Learning to Code resources
Learning to Code
- Article: No Zero Days: My Path from Javascript Newbie to Full Stack Developer at Age 30 (Shawn Wang)
- Note: the language is not as relevant as the insight into the disciplined commitment and roadmap he took.
- Ebook: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started as a Software Engineer (Randall Kanna)
- Article: Learn In Public – The fastest way to learn (Shawn Wang)
- Article: Learn to Code From Home (Quincy Larson)
- Website: 100 Days of Code (Alexander Kallaway)
- Website: Learn to Code with Me (Laurence Bradford)
- Kindle: How to Become a C# Programmer: A Systematic Approach to Learning C# That Anyone Can Follow (Scott Whigham)
- note: again, the language is not as relevant, rather the ideas for a “system” to learning to be a “good” programmer
- Kindle: Novice to Expert: 6 Steps to Learn Anything, Increase Your Knowledge, and Master New Skills (S.J. Scott)
- note: a quick and useful read to remind or possibly provide insight into how to learn something well